Monday, January 2


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Reverse Onus proposed to fight gun crime - I don't like this one bit. Putting the various onus of prrof on the authorities is one of the fundamental tenets of democratic society - seems like this could easily be a slippery slope. Imagine reverse-onus on other things - "prove you didn't steal money!". Not that I was voting for them anyway...Conservatives Take Lead - Martin's decision to have a long campaign is going to kill him - the Liberals are sucking wind like me at the end of a long shift in hockey. The Liberal's decision to lame-duck the first month and do all their campaining after Xmas was also a monumental blunder. They've surrendered the initiative to harper, blown a 12 point lead, and more importantly for the band wagonners out there, for the first time allowed the scenario of a Conservative win to go from a ridiculous long shot to a toss up.

Saturday, December 31

Sat II

Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Had a dream last night that I was making out with Jennifer Aniston. We were watching an amateur baseball games from behind ome plate, when she reached over and asked me how my marriage was. Before I could answer, she started kissing me, with wierd, quick, bite-like kisses. As I tried to slow her down and run fingers through her hair, I woke up. Damn. I could feel the hair.

Last day of the year

Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Funny - If the Conservatives had made the same racist blog comments that were made in a Liberal blooger's blog, Liberal exec resigns over blog insults
, it would be plastered non-stop over every media outlet in the dominion non-stop about how racist/bigoted those dinosaur right-wingers of the Conservatives were - but it seems that because a Liberal made the comments, the comments are downplayed as immature, private comments by an individual...Tories, Grits tied in latest poll - interesting. Conservatives are actually ahead in the whole country outside of Quebec. Which means if they want to win, they have to win the election in Quebec, against the tide of adscam and the Bloc. I'm surprised - the Income Trust Probe seems to have moved the polls like adscam couldn't, even though I think that adscam was much worse. Income Trust leak was just about money. Adscam was stealing money and using that money to electoral advantage. ...Team Canada's lines in the Olympics will be as follows: 1) Heatley, Sakic, Inginla 2) Bertuzzi, Lecavelier, St. Louis 3) Gagne, Thornton, Nash 4) Draper, Richards, Doan - Sakic/Inginla showed chemistry in 2002. Lecavelier/St. Louis play on the same line in Tampa Bay. Gange/Thornton/Nash showed chemistry in world championships last year. Draper/Doan will be checkers and Richards is the last center. Heatley is the better than Bertuzzi, so he will be on 1) with Sakic, leaving Bertuzzi with Lecavelier/St. Louis. Ryan Smyth will either take Bertuzzi's spot if Todd continues to show rust or Draper's spot if he continues this years poor play.

Wednesday, December 14

Tuesday, November 29


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Lets keep track of the election progress. I'll give a +1 for a positive move for a party, -1 for a negative, and we will see if the party (conservative or Liberal) with the most points wins.

Conservatives (+2 so far):
Harper bringing up Gay marriage -1
Klein predicting Liberal win -1
Cutler as candidate +1
Bringing down government +1

Liberals (-4 so far):
Claudette Bradshaw not re-running -1
Jean Augustine not re-running -1
Michael Ignatieff nomination controversey -1
Income Trust leak -1

Sunday, November 20


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
I have now finished in last place the last 2 photo contests for my local camera confidence vote either the 24th or the 28th...Yzerman complaining that the new nhl is "not hockey" - maybe the game is just to quick for him now (2 g and 4 assists for season so far, basically one Dan Heatley game)...Black's Photography selling 5 iso 100 24 exposure rolls for 14 bucks, good deal.

Tuesday, November 15


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
My brother got married 3 days ago...caterers forgot to deliver the $1500 of wine we ordered, I ended up driving around downtown Toronto, in a Tux and a convertible BMW, searching for cases of wine...on the Friday previous to the wedding, went to the strip local strip club - the strippers wanted $360 for an hour which seems a bit rich...I think that the oppostion parties should bring forth a non-confidence vote immediately and forget the dancing - corrupt is corrupt, throw the bums out...after driving for a few days on the "Deathrace 2000" streets of Toronto, I know that I could never move back...the Distillary District in Toronto is absolutely beautiful - a collection of multiple buildings a streets that looks like it dropped out of a Dicken's novel.

Thursday, November 3


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
I distinctly remember the first time I thought about girls in a sexual way. I was eleven years old in grade 6, and the teacher had sent 4 of us boys out of the classroom into the hallway to work on some project. As I cracked open my book, another boy (named Robert, I think) talked to his friend about how a girl they new had zipped down her shirt to show her b**bs to another boy. All of a sudden it hit me. I had never thought of girls before that precise moment, and have not been able to turn off the tap since then.

Sunday, October 30


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Copyright to fight Intelligent Design quacks?....Monarchist League - I read this message board and almost pissed myself laughing...Found an east-coast scala processing lab, yay!...After surfing wikipedia, I discovered that I am a lollard! - amazing how one can find oneself through random surfing - Thank Goodness it wasn't something wierder.

Monday, October 24


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Wierd series of dreams last night - dreamt about ex-girlfriend Danielle, the guy she cheated on me with Tim, a wierd hillbilly car race that I was taking part in, scary, creepy death-like creatures (hood, black face, skeletal arms coming at me through a portal in the wall.

Thursday, October 13


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Not playing ultimate this year, too pricey ($65 for the fall season - bit rich for frisbee)...enclosed picture is of a guy welding girders into place at the top of the Blue Cross building nhl rules rock...somebody came to my blog with search parameters about "last guy in nhl to not wear a helmut" - ansewr is "Brad Marsh" iso800 pictures turned out really well, much to my surpise - I was under the impression that the grain would be much more noticeable...can't believe that idiot (I used to like him, to my shame) Gille Duceppe said that Moncton is not bilingual - half of the conversations that I overhear in Moncton are bilingual, usally with all parties in the conversation switching leisurely between the languages

Tuesday, October 4

I'm so f@#$d

Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
I'm so f@#$d at work. They want us to help out with a project at a remote location that is out of time and out of budget, but the pinheads on the project don't seem to understand how bad the project is and they are being real pricks about accepting help. Time to fire some f$%#%g consultants. Just once, I would like to start a project myself instead of coming in after a project is already f#@$@#$d and cleaning up someone elses f@#$#g mess...I need to drink . Pairie Fire shots and B-52 shots, alternating, for about 4 hours is about what I need. It's been too long since I had Tequila. Too long. Damn...discovered that my cousin has a serious gambling addiction. In deep, too deep to loan sharks. Beyond my ability to easily remedy, and you don't want to become an enabler. But ya gotta do something, just not sure what...I gotta call in sick tomorrow.

Monday, October 3

One of those days

Originally uploaded by Jaeda.
Interesting picture. I like the disparity in attitudes - the redhead looks all intense and serious. The girl on the left seems to be laughing. The redhead's hand on the throat of the girl on the left seems like a subtle power move. I like the flesh tones in this picture. Large round earings vs small, appears to be diamond earings on the redhead. Classy brown outfit on the girl on the left and appears to be more unkempt, bra showing, mismatch on the redhead. I like how the photographer has gotten right in on the action, filled the frame.

Sunday, October 2


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Doublespeak of the Month - Reg Alcock has the cajones to say that the Conservatives that are embarrassing the civil service by "mentioning" the scandals - it couldn't possibly be the government or civil service for engaging in scandalous behaviour, could it?....Eli Manning was a brilliant fantasy pool pick on my part, 4 tds today...really nice, warm, Autumn day today

Saturday, October 1


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Male Models die by jumping over fence in the dark trying to avoid paying a $40 taxi fair, but died because in the dark they couldn't see that there was a 60 foot dtrop on the other side of the fence...darwinism at the #@$@#$ can Paul Coffin not get jail time for stealing 1.5 million dollars in 15 fraud counts?...if Roger Clemons isn't the gratest picther of all time, I don't no anything about baseball - he has won twice as many cy youngs as anyone else, and is currently leading the NL in era at the age of the way, I was wrong about the Red Sox signing of David Wells - who knew a 41 year old fat guy with a bad back would win 16 games?...Weazled out of flying to Vancouver for 2 weeks for work, I hat eflying to Vancouver...if I am going to spend 7-8 hours in a plane I flying to Europe, dammit...Wild Gorillas seen using tools - take that, "Intelligent Design" losers...for the love of god, please let science and darwinism win the Intelligent Design court case, or else the western world is headed towards another dark age, kind of like when the greeks bugged out when they discovered irrational numbers

Wednesday, September 14


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Google Search beta released...My fantasy football team won it's first game! Pretty good, considering I don't watch football. To celebrate I cut my starting quarterback and kicker. Lefty QB Mark Brunnell is my big hope now...great poster by the Switchblade Valentines...More people come to my blog by searching for Rona Ambrose than anything else - Rona, you will be PM in my lifetime...ok I know my blog sucks, but NO MORE SPAM COMMENTS FROM WEBSITES SELLING CRAP - leave comments if you like my site (please?) but I will never buy anything (I am very poor) from spamsters

Tuesday, September 13


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
8 bucks for Grand Theft Bus, bit much for a club band...I might just go postal on a know-it-all in the back row of the camera course I'm taking at Ivan's Camera - I mean why does a guy take the course when he knows every@#$@!!thing about cameras?...Mulroney sure stepped in it, eh?

Monday, September 12


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Great headline that you don't see often - "Nukes if Necessary" (seen on front page of today's National Post)...WHA era finally over - Mark Messier, last active player who took a shift in the WHA, retired today, age 44, after 25 years in the NHL - I always remember him as the one player that the Soviets could never contain in the 84/87 Canada Cups...Paul Martin's idea of building refineries in Canada is actually a good one, I would like to here more details on it - if you could actually do it by building the refineries where it made the most economical sense without political considerations I might actually vote for the man...I officialy hate my job today, reasons withheld

Sunday, September 4

Reversing Falls Bridge

Reversing Falls Bridge
Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Went to the Rolling Geriatrics (Stones) concert in Moncton. WellI didn't actually go as in pay, or as in enter the gates, but I went to the area leading up to the entrance gates to people watch. Saw this incredibly hot number (picture to follow once I get the slides developed) wearing tight little daisy dukes and light-brown cowboy boots and a nice little straw cowboy hat...unfortunately, her boyfriend looked tough enough to pound me into left-over I was phoning a friend near the magnetic hill gates I saw a guy, completely wasted, wearing no shirt, shorts + undershorts down to his knees, walking casually and blissfully to the main road...I wonder how that turned out...a lot of babes going to the statuesque babe wearing a string bikini top and a cowboy hat leaped out into the road and tried to thumb down a a first for red-blooded males, the guy drriving the car actually turned her down...organizers did a fantastic job of organizing things, no true signs of chaos

Saturday, August 20

Some geek I know

Some geek I know
Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Back from vacation. Went to Fundy, hiked a lot. Went to Buctouche, very pretty there. Was given a very nice 70-300mm lense for my retro Nikon FE SLR, which is very nice. Going to take a photography course from Maurice Henri in September, another gift for my birthday. Trying hard to ignore the whole governor general nonsense, but this is what you can expect when one person, acting alone and without consultation, can appoint the head of state. Andy Savoy attacking Bernard Lord for the latter's criticism of the GG selection is amazingly dumb - any citiizen in a democracy has the right, nay the duty, to question any action of the government that they deem suspect, and last time I checked, Bernie was a citizen. My ultimate frisbee team finished dead last in our ultimate league, not helped of course by my feeble come back attempt from my fractured foot. Amazingly hot girls in the Saint John city market yesterday for some reason.

Tuesday, July 26


Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Drove to Halifax, worked the morning, then drove back to Moncton, all by 4:30...stopped by downtown Amherst on the way back - the turn-of-the century buildings are very well preserved - I don't know where the money comes from though, doesn't seem to be any serious businesses in town...enclosed picture is from the Sackvile Waterfowl park, using my beloved Agfa black and white slide film...World's second largest cruise ship in Saint John, that's kind of cool