Thursday, May 12

Beach in Saint John

Beach in Saint John
Originally uploaded by Dr. Doom.
Beer truck turns over on 401 today, snarling the 401 in a "sea of beer"...liberals ignore no-confidence vote, filibuster their own budget, stalling until two cancer-ridden conservative MPs are too sick to voe, sure makes me proud...Eva Longoria tops maxims list of beautiful women, no surprise, she is the only reason I watch TV...she is so good looking that you can't watch "Desperate Housewifes" with girls you date lest you suddenly burst out "man, she's hot" several times in the middle of the show...skipped the championship game of our ultimate frisbee tonight, just don't have the spirit anymore...Does anyone remember the movie Spinal Tap, when the band started out playing in stadiums, then ended up in progressively smaller venues until ending up in a public park second billed as "puppet show and spinal tap"? Well, the Rolling Geriatrics play Moncton reminds me of that scene, for some reason.

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